
23 07, 2017

Custom Filters – Screaming Frog

2022-05-30T08:57:28-05:00By |Categories: Organic SEO, Screaming Frog, Search Engine Marketing|Tags: |

Overview In this lesson, we'll cover the Custom Filters which help us look for specific things when crawling a website. In short, custom filters allow us to instruct Screaming Frog to search all site code for specific things such as text, a google analytics tracking code, etc. There are two types of Custom Filters in Screaming Frog: [...]

22 07, 2017

Includes and Excludes – Screaming Frog

2022-05-30T08:57:29-05:00By |Categories: Organic SEO, Screaming Frog, Search Engine Marketing|Tags: |

Overview In this lesson, we'll talk about configuring the Screaming Frog Spider to Include and Exclude content based on rules you set. Within the Configuration section of Screaming Frog, we have the option to instruct the Spider to include or exclude specific URLs and directories as we see fit. Using Regex (regular expressions), you can instruct [...]

10 07, 2017

API Access – Screaming Frog

2022-05-30T08:57:29-05:00By |Categories: Organic SEO, Screaming Frog, Search Engine Marketing|Tags: |

Overview In this lesson, we'll cover the Google Analytics API and enabling access to Screaming Frog so that you can match Screaming Frog and Google Analytics metrics. Select Configuration --> API Access --> Google Analytics Click Connect to New Account You'll now be forwarded to to accept the connection. Accept the connection. Next, select the Account, Property, and View [...]

5 07, 2017

Pre-Canned Reports – Screaming Frog

2022-05-30T08:57:29-05:00By |Categories: Organic SEO, Screaming Frog, Search Engine Marketing|Tags: |

Overview In this lesson, we'll cover a few Pre-Canned Reports in Screaming Frog. Crawl Overview: Summary data from all the major report views. CLICK FOR SAMPLE Redirect Chains: Data on redirects found, identifying multi-level redirects as well. CLICK FOR SAMPLE Canonical Errors: Data on the mis-use of canonical instructions used. CLICK FOR SAMPLE Insecure Content: Summary non-SSL content. CLICK FOR SAMPLE SERP Summary: [...]

30 06, 2017

Behavior Reporting Overview – Google Analytics

2022-05-30T08:57:29-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Basics, Web Analytics|Tags: |

The Behavior Reports provide insight into the source of traffic (how users find the website) and subsequent behavior. Site Content: Top pages, content drilldown, landing pages, exit pages Site Search: Track what users search for once they are on your website Events: Specific user actions

29 06, 2017

Site Content Reports in Google Analytics

2022-05-30T08:57:30-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Basics, Web Analytics|Tags: |

Overview The Site Content reporting sections provides a few different content-focused views showing how users interact with your site content. All Pages: Report which provides behavioral stats on each individual page of your website. Content Drilldown: Similar to the "all Pages" report but instead groups pages by the sub-directory which they reside on your [...]

28 06, 2017

On-Site Search Tracking with Google Analytics

2022-05-30T08:57:30-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Basics, Web Analytics|Tags: |

Overview The Behavior Site Search reports provide analysis on your website's internal search feature. In these reports, you'll learn a few things about user behavior: Usage: The Search Usage report will compare the number of sessions where your internal search tool used with sessions where your search tool is not used. Search Terms: Report [...]

25 06, 2017

Events and Event Tracking with Google Analytics

2022-05-30T08:57:31-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Basics, Web Analytics|Tags: , |

Overview The Behavior Events reports provide a behavioral view related to specific Google Analytics Events which you are tracking. Events are specific actions which you want to track such as adding a product to a shopping cart, watching a video, etc. Overview: High-level view of main Event metrics. Top Events: Event category, action and [...]

30 05, 2017

Conversion Tracking Overview – Google Analytics

2022-05-30T08:57:31-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Basics, Web Analytics|Tags: |

Conversion reports highlight our various conversion points and allow for deeper analysis. Goals tracking: Tracking user goals such as form submits, newsletter subscribes, and other objectives which we’ve set. Ecommerce tracking: Tracking website revenue, product sales, and other transaction information. While conversion data is included in most GA reports, the conversion section allows for [...]

29 05, 2017

Tracking Goals in Google Analytics

2022-05-30T08:57:31-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Basics, Web Analytics|Tags: |

Overview We've been looking at goal-related metrics throughout this entire course. They are embedded into each and every report because of their importance in analysis. Goals are user activities which you'd like to track as specific objectives. Think of goals like this. You have a website, you have content, you have traffic. But what's [...]

5 05, 2017

Ecommerce Tracking with Google Analytics

2022-05-30T08:57:31-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Basics, Web Analytics|Tags: |

Overview As with Goal Reporting, Ecommerce data flows throughout the other reports in Google Analytics so we often use those reports more than the Ecommerce section specifically. That said, the Ecommerce Conversion reporting area provides all your main revenue tracking stats. Transactions, revenue, top products, product category reporting, etc. are all tracked here. Sample [...]

30 04, 2017

Custom Google Analytics Reports Overview

2022-05-30T08:57:32-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Basics, Web Analytics|Tags: |

Google Analytics custom reports provide you the capability to create custom data views which cut-to-the-chase of your key metrics. Best of all, they are really easy to create! Up until now, we've learned about the "out of the box" Google Analytics reports. The truth is though, if you can master custom reports, you may [...]

20 04, 2017

Create a Basic Custom Report with Google Analytics

2022-05-30T08:57:32-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Basics, Web Analytics|Tags: |

Overview In that last topic, we briefly talked about the "Dummy Report." Maybe not the most professional name but here's the point. Sometimes (often), you'll need to create a very simple report view for a stakeholder (either smart or a dummy) which only pulls very specific information which will help them understand what's [...]

18 04, 2017

Create a Robust Custom Report – Google Analytics

2022-05-30T08:57:32-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Basics, Web Analytics|Tags: |

It's Monday morning and we're back in the office. John, sunburn from a long weekend of golfing, has come in and loves the report we created. However, he's getting savvy and now has a few new requirements. John loves the simple email marketing report which we created. However, he thinks it would be better [...]