
24 08, 2017

Installation and Configuration Overview

2022-05-30T08:57:19-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Implementation, Web Analytics|Tags: |

In this lesson, we’ll discuss the basics of correctly installing Google Analytics to get the data you need! Installing the Google Analytics tracking code (Universal Analytics) Goal Setup: Track your contact form submissions, time on site, and more Ecommerce setup Campaign Tracking: Learn the basics of using UTM parameters to track campaign data. Onsite [...]

24 08, 2017

Google Analytics Installation

2022-05-30T08:57:19-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Implementation, Web Analytics|Tags: |

In this lesson, we'll cover the basics of how to install the Google Analytics tracking code (Universal Analytics). Installing Google Analytics has 3 basic parts. Step 1: Retrieve your Google Analytics Tracking Code First, you need to retrieve your Google Analytics tracking code from your Google Analytics account. To do this, follow these steps. [...]

24 08, 2017

Goal Configuration in Google Analytics

2022-05-30T08:57:19-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Implementation, Web Analytics|Tags: |

Next, let's configure our first Google Analytics goal. Overview of Goals Google Analytics goals, like any goals, are actions which we strive to complete or in this case, have our website users complete. In GA, we have the ability to track user actions and then relate that data to things like the marketing source, user [...]

24 08, 2017

Campaign Tracking Setup – Google Analytics

2022-05-30T08:57:20-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Implementation, Web Analytics|Tags: |

Tracking advertising campaigns is key to understanding their success. In this section, we'll cover the basics of how campaign tracking works and what the best practices are. Tracking advertising campaigns is key to understanding their success. In this section, we'll cover the basics of how campaign tracking works and what the best practices are. [...]

24 08, 2017

Onsite Search Tracking Configuration – Google Analytics

2022-05-30T08:57:20-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Implementation, Web Analytics|Tags: |

In a previous course topic, we discussed the "Site Search" report, one which provides statistics on how users utilize our website's search bar. In this lessons, we'll quickly cover how to turn-on site search tracking. Requirements for Tracking Website Search Data A website with a search bar which allows users to search your content. [...]

23 08, 2017

Google Analytics Audience Report Overview

2022-05-30T08:57:21-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Basics, Web Analytics|Tags: |

The Audience reports provide insight into characteristics of your users. Demographic Reporting: Age and Gender reporting GEO Reporting: Location and language reporting Behavior Reporting: New vs. returning, frequency, recency and engagement reporting Device Reporting: Mobile, PC and tablet usage.

23 08, 2017

Google Analytics Ecommerce Setup

2022-05-30T08:57:21-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Implementation, Web Analytics|Tags: |

In this lesson, we've review the basics of setting up Ecommerce tracking in Google Analytics. Setting up Ecommerce tracking takes 2 steps: Step 1: Enable Ecommerce Tracking in Google Analytics Click "Admin" on the top navigation Click "Ecommerce Settings" under the "View" Enable Ecommerce Step 2: Programming Your Website Once ecommerce tracking is enabled in [...]

22 08, 2017

Demographics Reporting in Google Analytics

2022-05-30T08:57:21-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Basics, Web Analytics|Tags: |

Audience demographic reports provide basic information on your audience's (website visitors) gender and age. This suite of reports breaks down key stats as they relate to the gender and age groups of your traffic. These reports allows for a couple different views. Overview Audience demographic reports provide basic information on your audience’s (website visitors) [...]

22 08, 2017

Screaming Frog Google Analytics Audit

2022-05-30T08:57:22-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Implementation, Web Analytics|Tags: |

Overview In this lesson, we'll discuss how to use Screaming Frog to Audit the installation of Google Analytics on a sample website. To do this, we're going to 1) Let Screaming Frog search each page of our website to confirm that our Google Analytics account number is present on each web page and 2) [...]

22 08, 2017

Testing Google Analytics with Google Analytics

2022-05-30T08:57:22-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Implementation, Web Analytics|Tags: |

Overview Google Analytics, among other uses, is actually useful in testing, well, Google Analytics. In this lesson, we are going to review a few great reports which help us figure out whether Google Analytics is correctly installed on a specific web property. Hostname Report The hostname report helps us understand the specific hostnames [...]

21 08, 2017

GEO (Geography) Reporting in Google Analytics

2022-05-30T08:57:22-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Basics, Web Analytics|Tags: |

Geo reports provide basic information on your audience's (website visitors) language and geographic location. This suite of reports breaks down key stats as they relate to the language and geographic location of your website visitors. Overview Geo reports provide basic information on your audience's (website visitors) language and geographic location. This suite of reports breaks [...]

20 08, 2017

Behavior Reporting in Google Analytics

2022-05-30T08:57:22-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Basics, Web Analytics|Tags: |

Overview Audience Behavior Reports report on key statistics of users based on behavioral groups that they fall into including newness, frequency, and engagement. Overview Audience Behavior Reports report on key statistics of users based on behavioral groups that they fall into including newness, frequency, and engagement. These reports allows for a couple different views: [...]

19 08, 2017

Mobile & Device Reporting Using Google Analytics

2022-05-30T08:57:23-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Basics, Web Analytics|Tags: |

Overview Audience Mobile Reports report on key statistics of users based on the type of device which they are using. These reports provide a high level view if key acquisition, behavioral and conversion metrics at the device level (PC, Tablet and Smartphone). Mobile reports allow for a couple different views: Overview: The Overview Report is one [...]

8 08, 2017

Screaming Frog Navigation

2022-05-30T08:57:23-05:00By |Categories: Organic SEO, Screaming Frog, Search Engine Marketing|Tags: |

Overview The Screaming Frog interface consists of a few main navigation bars. Main Navigation The Main Navigation bar is typical of any software and contains options to save files, configure Screaming Frog, export information, view pre-canned reports, and more. File: Save projects, retrieve recent projects Configuration: Contains all the configuration settings for the [...]

7 08, 2017

Report Anatomy – Screaming Frog

2022-05-30T08:57:24-05:00By |Categories: Organic SEO, Screaming Frog, Search Engine Marketing|Tags: |

Overview There are a few different parts of the Screaming Frog interface which it's important to understand. Report Data and Columns Front and center is the report data itself. In this section, you see report-specific data is a tabular format. Drill-Downs By highlighting any file in the data section, you'll notice that the Detail [...]