After doing a bit of research, I found that on average about 2.8 million e-mails are sent every second. This is an indication of email probably being the most famous form of communication. In all honesty, I really don’t believe that 2.8 million people are clicking send every second. Instead, the bulk of this is from autoresponders and scheduled deliveries. Most marketers know that having your message get to your audience on the right schedule is super important. We suggest to use autoresponders even if it’s a simple RSS that sends out your new post to subscribers, also because not having to hit send is great.

In the following table, we will show you the best email marketing service for autoresponders.

Which Email Marketing Software Offers an Autoresponder?

Choosing the Best Email Marketing Software for Autoresponders

The good news is that most of them have a similar approach when it comes to autoresponders, it’s simply your application of it that will make a difference. Apart from a few differences that apply mainly with automation and rules but that’s another feature altogether. Here are a few quick bullets for you to consider when choosing an email marketing provider:

  • Future Plans: If this is not the final stage of your business and you plan to optimize and evolve any further consider the additional features provided, just in case switching email marketing providers isn’t that much fun and adds unnecessary work to your already huge workload.
  • Customization: Does the email marketing software offer more customization options for the autoresponder or is it simple. Advance timing controls are really useful for getting your email in front of viewing eyes ready to click.

Final Thoughts

No matter what kind of business you run setting up an autoresponder is powerful because it keeps the traffic flowing, being a huge impact on return visits that lead to repeat business and what would you do without that. Creating a customized email marketing schedule based on the audience that way the message is super targeted and contains the exact content the subscriber is interested in. Autoresponders are one of the most popular features people look for in an email marketing platform, check for additional services and pricing before pulling the trigger.