Stripe is an online payment processing platform for Internet businesses. Stripe is a PayPal alternative which offers ecommerce websites a streamlined and cost-effective method for accepting payment online.

In this post, we’re going to review your options for connecting Stripe data with your Google Data Studio reports and dashboards which makes it easy to track transactions, sales trends, and much more.

Connect Stripe to Google Data Studio

ConnectorData SourcesPricingRead ReviewFree Trial

35+ Data Sources$39/MonthRead ReviewFree Trialfacebook ads, google analytics, custom, adform, adobe analytics, adroll, amazon ads, bing ads, facebook insights, public data, google ads, adsense, my business, search console, google+, instagram insights, linkedin ads, mailchimp, company pages, pinterest, quora, reddit, search 360, semrush, stripe, tumblr, twitter, vimeo, yahoo, yandex metrica, youtube, criteo, outbrain, hubspot, snapchatads, verizon, taboola@supermetrics

Power My Analytics
25+ Data Sources$9.95 Per SourceRead ReviewFree Trialfacebook ads, adroll, amazon, bing, constant contact, criteo, ebay, insights, google my business, instagram ads, instagram insights, instagram media insights, linkedin ads, linkedin company analytics, listrak, mailchimp, paypal, pinterest, shareasale, tripadvisor, twitter, walmart, yahoo, snapchatads, perfectaudience, quickbooks, taboola, hubspot@powermyanalytics

18+ Data SourcesFreeRead ReviewFreegoogle analytics, file upload, bigquery, campaign manager, cloud spanner, cloud sql for mysql, display & video 360, extract data, google ad manager 360, google ads, google analytics, google cloud storage, google sheets, mysql, postgresql, search ads 360, search console, youtube analytics, tv attibution@google

400+ Data Sources$499/MonthRead ReviewDemo Availableadobe analytics, adjust, salesforce, shopify, instagram ads, google ads, bing ads, doubleclick, facebook ads, linkedin, twitter, appnexus, criteo, mediamath, snapchat, tradedoubler, yahoo, adform, adroll, appsflyer, google analytics, has offers, perfect audience, performant, ebay, google search console, impact radius, listrak, mailchimp, outbrain, peperjam, propel media, quora, reddit, taboola, yandex, pinterest@funnel

16+ Data SourcesCustom SolutionsRead ReviewNone Currentlyfacebook ads,@tapclicks

What is the Best Stripe Connector for Data Studio

When trying to connect Stripe with Google Data Studio, you really have 2 very different approach (which we’ve outlined below). #1 (direct connect via SuperMetrics) is the most convenient but #2 is also an option which may be appealing to some.

  1. SuperMetrics: At the time of writing this post, Supermetrics is the only Google Data Studio connector with a pre-built stripe connection. SuperMetrics offers a really robust set of dimensions and metrics which will get you all the views needed in terms of tracking transactions, customers, fees (shipping, transactions) and much more. In fact, the list is way too long to include here. It’s free to try so plug-it-in and let us know what you think.
  2. Integromat via Google Sheets: Another option is to use a service such as Integromat to send all your transaction data to Google Sheets. Then, you’d just query the Google Sheet to pull data to Google Data Studio. In this case, a lot more setup but it may be a better fit for some.

Final Thoughts

For Stripe, we think that SuperMetrics is the right and best approach to dashboarding data with GDS (Google Data Studio).