20 04, 2017

Create a Basic Custom Report with Google Analytics

2022-05-30T08:57:32-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Basics, Web Analytics|Tags: |

Overview In that last topic, we briefly talked about the "Dummy Report." Maybe not the most professional name but here's the point. Sometimes (often), you'll need to create a very simple report view for a stakeholder (either smart or a dummy) which only pulls very specific information which will help them understand what's [...]

18 04, 2017

Create a Robust Custom Report – Google Analytics

2022-05-30T08:57:32-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Basics, Web Analytics|Tags: |

It's Monday morning and we're back in the office. John, sunburn from a long weekend of golfing, has come in and loves the report we created. However, he's getting savvy and now has a few new requirements. John loves the simple email marketing report which we created. However, he thinks it would be better [...]

27 02, 2017

Google Analytics Dashboards Overview

2022-05-30T08:57:33-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Basics, Web Analytics|Tags: |

Dashboards are customizable "views" which we can create and save. These are for providing a single glance at all the high-level metrics important to our business. Dashboards are a collection of widgets that give you an overview of the reports and metrics you care about most. Dashboards let you monitor many metrics at [...]

25 02, 2017

Create a Basic Dashboard Using Google Analytics

2022-05-30T08:57:33-05:00By |Categories: Google Analytics Basics, Web Analytics|Tags: |

Let's create our first dashboard. Scenario John (our hypothetical manager) is back in the office again today because his golf date got rained out. He loves the new custom report we created and now wants a custom dashboard he can look at which summarizes all the key website metrics. John would like to see [...]