Google AdSense is a great website and app monetization tool and is probably one of the best fits for publishers. Over the years, Google’s optimization of this product actually yields a pretty high CPM relative to other website monetization methods. If you’re in need of a good solution which allows for tracking your website revenue in Google Data Studio, we’ve got you covered.

In this post, we’re going to review your options for connecting Google AdSense metrics to Google Data Studio.

AdSense + Google Data Studio Connectors

ConnectorData SourcesPricingRead ReviewFree Trial

35+ Data Sources$39/MonthRead ReviewFree Trialfacebook ads, google analytics, custom, adform, adobe analytics, adroll, amazon ads, bing ads, facebook insights, public data, google ads, adsense, my business, search console, google+, instagram insights, linkedin ads, mailchimp, company pages, pinterest, quora, reddit, search 360, semrush, stripe, tumblr, twitter, vimeo, yahoo, yandex metrica, youtube, criteo, outbrain, hubspot, snapchatads, verizon, taboola@supermetrics

Power My Analytics
25+ Data Sources$9.95 Per SourceRead ReviewFree Trialfacebook ads, adroll, amazon, bing, constant contact, criteo, ebay, insights, google my business, instagram ads, instagram insights, instagram media insights, linkedin ads, linkedin company analytics, listrak, mailchimp, paypal, pinterest, shareasale, tripadvisor, twitter, walmart, yahoo, snapchatads, perfectaudience, quickbooks, taboola, hubspot@powermyanalytics

18+ Data SourcesFreeRead ReviewFreegoogle analytics, file upload, bigquery, campaign manager, cloud spanner, cloud sql for mysql, display & video 360, extract data, google ad manager 360, google ads, google analytics, google cloud storage, google sheets, mysql, postgresql, search ads 360, search console, youtube analytics, tv attibution@google

400+ Data Sources$499/MonthRead ReviewDemo Availableadobe analytics, adjust, salesforce, shopify, instagram ads, google ads, bing ads, doubleclick, facebook ads, linkedin, twitter, appnexus, criteo, mediamath, snapchat, tradedoubler, yahoo, adform, adroll, appsflyer, google analytics, has offers, perfect audience, performant, ebay, google search console, impact radius, listrak, mailchimp, outbrain, peperjam, propel media, quora, reddit, taboola, yandex, pinterest@funnel

16+ Data SourcesCustom SolutionsRead ReviewNone Currentlyfacebook ads,@tapclicks

Choosing the Best Google AdSense Connector for Data Studio

Typically, Google provides free connectors for their products (Google Ads, Google Analytics, etc.). In the case of Google Adsense though, no dice! We’re sure it’s coming, but in the meantime you’ve got just one choice for this- Supermetrics. With the Google Adsense + Data Studio connector, you’ll get access to data which includes.

  • Google Adsense Metrics: Impressions, clicks, earnings, CPC, RPM, CTR (click through rate), etc.
  • Google Adsense Dimensions: Date, site, platform, ad units, location, channels, etc.

Final Thoughts

For Google Adsense, we like Supermetrics because, well, it’s your only choice right now!