Ahh Criteo, how we love thee so. When budgets and traffic allows, our go to retargeting network for maximizing retargeting volume and efficiency. In our experience, blow Google Ads retargeting and Adroll out of the water. That said, now there are great Google Data Studio connectors to allow you to pull Criteo dimensions and metrics into your dashboards.

Heres a quick review of the different options for connecting Criteo retargeting ads and Data Studio.

Criteo + Google Data Studio Connectors

ConnectorData SourcesPricingRead ReviewFree Trial

35+ Data Sources$39/MonthRead ReviewFree Trialfacebook ads, google analytics, custom, adform, adobe analytics, adroll, amazon ads, bing ads, facebook insights, public data, google ads, adsense, my business, search console, google+, instagram insights, linkedin ads, mailchimp, company pages, pinterest, quora, reddit, search 360, semrush, stripe, tumblr, twitter, vimeo, yahoo, yandex metrica, youtube, criteo, outbrain, hubspot, snapchatads, verizon, taboola@supermetrics

Power My Analytics
25+ Data Sources$9.95 Per SourceRead ReviewFree Trialfacebook ads, adroll, amazon, bing, constant contact, criteo, ebay, insights, google my business, instagram ads, instagram insights, instagram media insights, linkedin ads, linkedin company analytics, listrak, mailchimp, paypal, pinterest, shareasale, tripadvisor, twitter, walmart, yahoo, snapchatads, perfectaudience, quickbooks, taboola, hubspot@powermyanalytics

18+ Data SourcesFreeRead ReviewFreegoogle analytics, file upload, bigquery, campaign manager, cloud spanner, cloud sql for mysql, display & video 360, extract data, google ad manager 360, google ads, google analytics, google cloud storage, google sheets, mysql, postgresql, search ads 360, search console, youtube analytics, tv attibution@google

400+ Data Sources$499/MonthRead ReviewDemo Availableadobe analytics, adjust, salesforce, shopify, instagram ads, google ads, bing ads, doubleclick, facebook ads, linkedin, twitter, appnexus, criteo, mediamath, snapchat, tradedoubler, yahoo, adform, adroll, appsflyer, google analytics, has offers, perfect audience, performant, ebay, google search console, impact radius, listrak, mailchimp, outbrain, peperjam, propel media, quora, reddit, taboola, yandex, pinterest@funnel

16+ Data SourcesCustom SolutionsRead ReviewNone Currentlyfacebook ads,@tapclicks

Choosing the Best Criteo Connector for Data Studio

If you’ve got the budget, website traffic, and clearly trackable KPIs, Criteo is a great option for retargeting. Simply put, they handle high volume ecommerce retargeting as well as we’ve experienced anyone else do it. In choosing a connector to query your Criteo KPIs to display in Google Data Studio, consider these factors.

  • Dimensions and Metrics: You’ll want to choose a connector which can pull the metrics that you need to report on. Most connectors will offer the full array but it’s always a good idea to leverage a free trial to make sure.
  • Cost: At the time of writing this post, the most cost effective solution for integrating Criteo with Google Data Studio is Power My Analytics. Other higher-end custom solutions do it too, but the cost is much higher and we’re not sure why. PMA handles it well.

Final Thoughts

There aren’t a ton of options for integrating Criteo with GDS so we’re looking forward to additional community connectors coming online.