Let’s jump right in to the two best ways to analyze and compare mobile website traffic in Google Analytics. For this, we’re going to focus on the follow approaches.

  1. Simple device reports
  2. Google Analytics Segments

Mobile Device Reports in Google Analytics

The most basic and simple approach, we’re going to analyze mobile website behavior using Google’s Mobile reports. To get there:

  1. Click Audience
  2. Click Mobile
  3. Click Overview

Now, we can analyze in a very broad format the basic behavioral differences across mobile, desktop, and tablets.


Mobile Segments in Google Analytics

To step up your game some more, simply use Google Analytics Segments to filter for mobile traffic, and even compare it to other types of traffic like tablet and desktop. For this:

  1. Click add segment
  2. Search and choose for the mobile segment
  3. Optionally, also choose the desktop segment to create a comparison

How Do I Analyze this Data

Well well my aspiring data scientist friend, you’re going to start by considering the basics:

  • Does mobile traffic convert more often than desktop?
  • Does mobile traffic convert at a higher or lower rate than desktop traffic?
  • Based on the website, business model, etc., how would you expect mobile traffic to perform compared to desktop? Is this what is actually happening?

There are the basics of analyzing mobile traffic using Google Analytics. Please comment below with questions!

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