Facebook Pixel

6 06, 2019

4 Benefits Of Using A Facebook Pixel

2022-05-30T08:57:06-05:00By |Categories: Social Media Marketing|Tags: , |

Creating a Facebook pixel is a great way to keep a pulse on your website visitors and know their behaviors and preferences. You can build custom audiences, remarket your ads, and have an overall measure of the effectiveness of your campaigns. Here are four benefits for using a Facebook pixel. 1. Creating A Retargeting Campaign [...]

6 06, 2019

Show Facebook Ad Costs in Google Analytics

2022-05-30T08:57:06-05:00By |Categories: Facebook Analytics, Social Media Marketing, Web Analytics|Tags: , , |

Facebook has a great ad platform for lead generation, retargeting, and much more. While we generally prefer search-based ad platforms (Google Ads, Bing Ads, etc.), FB Ads have their uses. Today, we want to help solve a big problem with a simple solution- Let's connect your Facebook Ads account to Google Analytics so that the [...]